Bredsten d. 23. oktober 2010, SPK


Dommer: Gabriela Richard, Tyskland

Babyklasse Tæver:

DK15272/2010 Nordspetsens Josefin  (Vanaheims Vile / Gnipagrottans Hjoerdis Die Kleine))

Opdrætter: Ann Svensson, Sverige

Ejer: Susanne Langhoff, Arden

5 months old female, very nice feminine head and constuction, correct proportions, changing teeth, should have less weight, but correct in angulations, coat and tail, still moving a bit uncrotroled, but very friendly

SL, BIS-4 Baby

Hvalpeklasse Hanner:

DK14245/2010 Kimura's Lage (Vaulartun's Tomba Kimura / Kimura's Amanda)

Opdrætter: Terje & Katrine Lindström, Norge

Ëjer: Hanne Pia Andersen, Esbjerg

6 months old male, masculine head, excellent type and expression, masculine head, correct topline, strong neck, should have a bit less weight, correct angulation and paws, excellent coat, correct tail, still moving a bit uncontrled, very friendly, well presented

SL, Bedste Hvalp, BIS-Hvalp


Hvalpeklasse Tæver:

DK07953/2010 Eimunas Bb Pernille Emmasdatter ( Kimura's Bendik/ Cascilius Eiegode Emma)

Opdrætter: Ulla Riise

Ejer: Ulla Riise, Fårevejle

6 months old female, feminine head and expression, correct proportions, good neck and topline, correct angulations and paws, excellent coat, correct tailset, still a bit uncrotroled when moving, very friendly and alert



Championklasse Hanner:

17435/2004 Langhoff`s Gimli Scottsøn (Scott/Langhoff`s Biloxi Tola Owiedatter)
Opdrætter: Susanne Langhoff

Ejer: Kim Bay Nielsen, Vallensbæk.

6 years old male, excellent type and construction, masculine head and expression, eyes bit rounded, correct neck and tail, moving with a lot of drive, parallel, friendly and alert, well presented
Plac.2, BIK-3

DK15160/2007 Bubedas Arthur  (Langhoff's Bartok Owiesøn / Borelands Fröken Jensen)

Opdrætter: Henrik Berg

Ejer: Niels Christiansen, Tinglev.

3 years old, excellent type and construction, masculine head and expression, excellent chest, strong topline, correct angulations, excellent coat and tail, correct movement, friendly and alert, well presented

Excellent, Plac.1, BIK-2, Klubcertifikat


Åben Klasse Hanner:

15026/2005 Fimona Atilla  (Nodavolls Jason / Fimona Maja)

Opdrætter: Finn Pelle

Ejer: Jette Gjersen, Tranekær

5 years old male, masculie type and expression, masculine head, correct proportions, strong neck, and straight topline, good angulations, correct paws, excellent coat and tail, good movement and rear and forth, well presented

Excellent, Plac.1, BIK-4, Certifikat, Dansk Champion på dagen


S65404/2008 Gnipagrotteans Kalle Kanapé (Kimura's Bendik / Gnipagrottans Bettan)

Opdrætter: Elisabeth Hagsäter

Ejer: Henrik Hauritz, Karup

2 years old male, masculine type and expression, excellent head and type, correct color, strong neck and straight topline, correct angulations, good paws, excellent coat, correct tail, good movement, friendly but needs to be motivated

Excellent, Plac.2


DK14259/2009 Svartedals Olav  (A-Black Shadow / Svartedals Heidi)

Opdrætter: Nina Hovden Sæther

Ejer: Bo Moesby Madsen, Hillerød

2½ years old male, black with a little white, masculine head and expression, strong neck, corect topline, good angulations, correct paws, excellent coat and tail, moving with good drive, but elbowing a little in front, friendly

Excellent, Plac.3


Veteran Klasse Hanner:

17456/2002 Nodavolls Jason   (Vaulartun's Floke / Diva)  
Jorun Sand, Norge

Ejer: Birgit Le Sage De  Fontenay,   Rønne

8½ years old male, excellent condition and constuction, masculine head and typr, correct proportions, excellent coat and tail, moves well with drive

Excellent, Plac.1,  BIR, Bedste Veteran, BIS-3 Veteran


Championklasse tæver:

16567/2005 Langhoff's Gloria Anla Biloxidatter   (Scott / Langhoff's Biloxi Tola Owiedatter)  
Opdrætter/Ejer:   Susanne  Langhoff,   Arden

5 yars old female, excellent type and construction, correct proportions, feminine head and expression, bit round eyes, narrow scissors bite, correct anulations and paws, correct coat and tail, parallel movement, good drive, friendly

Excellent, BIM


Junior Klasse Tæver:

DK18017/2009 Sigrid (Med Hjärtas Lukas / Cascilius Dina Darling)

Opdrætter: Kirsten Johansen

Ejer: Lene Fynbo, Hillerød

14 month old female, black with a little white, that still needs to develop, correct proportions, bit high on legs, feminine head, but still ears seem a bit big, correct neck and topline, excellent coat, typical angulations, correct tail, moving a little bit uncontrolled and elbowing in front, very friendly

Very Good, Plac.1


Åben Klasse Tæver:

01613/2005 Cascilius Anti Avanti  (Fant / Cascilius Naia-Tiril Natalia)  

Opdrætter; Bjørg Sveen
Ejer:   Susanne  Pedersen,   Bredsten

6 years female, black with little white, correct construction and proportions, very feminine head, bit rounded eyes, strong body, should have more bone and legs, correct coat and tailset, typical angulations and paws, friendly, well presented
Very Good,


DK20073/2008 Nordic Pride Meisja Of Norway (Kimura's Hero / Nordic Pride Birka Of Norway)

Ejer/Opdrætter: Kirsten K. Frantzen, Odense

2 years old female, very nice composition, feminine head and expression, dark eyes, correct neckline and topline, good angulations, correct coat and tail, good movement, with alot of drive, friendly but needs more selfconfidence

Very Good, Plac.1



Sara Kristiansen med Langhoff's Gloria Anla Biloxidatter





Tanja Langhoff m. Langhoff's Gimli Scottsøn & Langhoff's Gloria Anla Biloxidatter

BIS Parklasse


BIS-2 Juniorhandler

BIS Parklasse BIS-4 Baby

BIS Hvalp

BIS-3 Veteran

Foto: Morten Odgård